Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Surrealist cinema.

I love the work of early years' cinema's surrealists. Here was a medium so fresh and so new, giving a whole new dimension to art: time. This was (and is, of course) taken advantage of in every way. And of course, the avant-garde collective didn't waste much time in adopting film as a medium.

Some images from Jean Epstein's La Chute de la maison Usher (1928),

and Dimitri Kirsanoff's Ménilmontant (1926).

And, of course, the kingpin of early surrealist filmmaking, Luis Buñuel and Salvador Dalí's Un chien andalou (1929):

Fun fact: The Pixies' (awesome) song "Debaser" is about this movie. From what I've read in interviews, Frank Black didn't like it (the film) very much.

Pixies- Debaser

Ta (da)da.

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